Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Every day from 10:00AM to 7:00PM.

  • To book your appointment you must fill out this form, your artist will contact you after receiving your information.

    Once the quote is finalized and the price agreed upon, an advance of 30 thousand colones must be made and the receipt sent in order to reserve a date.

    Once the agreed date is scheduled, you can reschedule only once without losing your deposit. If it is necessary to reschedule a second time, you will have to pay the advance again.

    We ask you to notify us at least 72 hours in advance if you want to move your appointment.

  • Before the appointment, we recommend you hydrate the area where the tattoo will be done, also eat/rest properly and hydrate yourself so that you feel good during the process.

    Please arrive at the agreed time and with a maximum of one companion to avoid crowds.

    It is important that you have time availability so that the artist has the necessary time to carry out the piece in the best possible way.

    We also recommend the use of comfortable clothing that allows you to uncover the area to be tattooed without causing you discomfort.

    The studio is located in a very central point of the city, close to many food options that you can order and eat in the studio in case of long appointments.

  • Payment can be made by cash, mobile SINPE, PayPal, bank transfer, or card.

  • The short answer is yes, they do hurt. The level of pain varies with each person and part of the body in which the procedure is performed. Some people may be more sensitive in one area than another, and everyone's pain tolerance is different.

    If you wish, we have topical anesthesia available that we can apply prior to the tattoo, consult with the artist before starting.

  • The tattoo is a wound therefore it is necessary to take into account several things to heal it properly:

    Healing with cream:

    1. Wash the tattoo two to three times a day with neutral antibacterial soap for about 7 days.

    2. From the second day, after each wash apply a thin layer of cream on the tattoo.

    3. Avoid direct sun exposure.

    4. Avoid exercising or doing physical activity for at least 10 days, or the time recommended by the artist depending on your tattoo.

    5. Do not bathe in the sea, pools, or rivers for a minimum of 22 days.

    6. Once the tattoo is healed remember to apply sunscreen regularly.

  • 1. The first membrane will be placed in the studio, and you will be given another for the next day.

    2. After 24 hours you must remove the first membrane, wash your tattoo with neutral antibacterial soap,

    let it dry or dry it with a clean towel and place the second membrane.

    3. The second membrane must be removed after 5 days.

    4. After removing the membrane you can apply scar cream to your tattoo one to two times a day.

    5. Avoid direct sun exposure.

    6. Avoid exercising or doing physical activity for at least 10 days, or those recommended by the artist depending on your tattoo.

    7. Do not bathe in the sea, pools, or rivers for a minimum of 22 days.

    8. Once the tattoo is healed, remember to apply sunscreen regularly.

    In Token Tattoo Studio you can buy both the healing cream and the membrane.

    If you have any questions during the process of healing of your tattoo do not hesitate to write to us and we will gladly help you.